domingo, 13 de abril de 2008

cancion sin musica

I was 15 when I got pregnant
Life is not easy in many ways
I want a child in other age
I want a father with other face

Life is not easy in many ways
And I don´t need another sad story
I don´t need a book for unhappy mothers
Because life is not easy in any way

I was 17 and I was a junkie
I was 18 when I finally achieved my dream
Why hasn’t it made me happy?
Cause life is a lie and dreams are ideas that we can’t make real

Life is not easy o maybe is too easy
I have many roads and no one takes me home
I have 20 cigarettes in my pocket
And family dinners where I’ve never been sober

Life is not easy
Life is too easy
Life is life
And I say fuck off to our times.

1 comentario: dijo...

hola catarina, muy buenos intentos todos, hay algo en el fondo de todo eso, que se siente como algo bueno, yo solia tener un blog parecido, en el que escribia cada vez, en estos dias estoy en receso, borre el blog que tenia para los escritos. pronto lo abrire, por ahora leo a bukowsky, merci por respirar todo eso.